Yuki knot

Tags :: §Shibari §half hitch

The Yuki knot, named for §Yukimura Haruki, is a bight with a half-hitch over the top. It is a remarkably useful, widely applicable technique which is possible whenever a §pull-through would be necessary.

The Yuki knot functions similarly to many §frictions and has the following functions:

The last of these uses makes the Yuki knot a popular method for §preserving the bight during suspension, in which case it is called a double bight extension.


§Haven Kink
including an application for suspension


As with many foundational ties in Shibari, there is disagreement over what exactly is meant by "Yuki knot". The meaning I was taught is given above, and seems to be in common usage (example) but many other people use it to refer to the §Boola-Boola or §square knot column tie (e.g. example 1, example 2). I've even seen people referring to the §WykD Fast Bowline as a Yuki knot!