
Tags :: §column ties §single-column ties §double-column ties §forward tension column ties §Japanese-style Shibari §capsizing knots

The Boola-Boola is the most widely used single-column ties in Shibari; as a result, nobody can quite agree what it is.

Whichever version you choose, they all share some notable qualities with the Real Boola Boola:

an additional §half knot or §half hitch to secure it.

The Real Boola Boola™

The knot I call the Boola Boola can be described as "a half knot tied like the first half of a square knot, followed by a half knot with the ends going in the same directions. This is better shown in videos (below).

(In fact, this is topologically identical to a granny knot, but flipped upside down. This extra flip seems to make it much stronger in practice)

Boola Boola Imposters

The name reportedly comes from an American rigger, Numinous, who said "Boola Boola" when joking about not knowing the name for it - and in this case they were likely referring to the §square knot column tie. Just as with the §square knot, this is often confused with the less secure §granny knot.

More rarely, some people refer to a §half hitch or §two half hitches over the bight as a boola boola (it may be topologically equivalent as the other variations, but it has different properties). I've even heard people referring to §column ties in general as "Boola Boolas".


§WykD Dave :: Video showing directionality of a) square knot b) boola boola §Bruce Esinem :: Boola boola vs square knot §Bruce Esinem :: "10 pro tips"